Vastu Dosh |
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Vastu Dosh Basically the ancient vaastu texts do not deal with vaastu corrections by alternative methods. They advocate in all such cases structural correction to set right the defects.
The performance of rituals like Vaastu Pooja, Vaastu Homa and the like are mentioned to get the blessings of the plot organism which goes without saying that the house, in the first place, should be as per vaastu
Vaastu remedies using Pyramids, Crystal, available plants and so many things those you can easily find in your home.Vaastu correction without demolition.

Vastu Devta yantra |
Vastu Devta yantra As the name suggest the yantra is used to correct vastu doshas.Those people who cannot able to make any changes in their layouts or in its interior arrangement but they want to remove the Vastu Dosha & its malefic influence to avoid the adverse circumstances they can use this Yantra.
By the installation of Yantra in its appropriate direction it will activate that particular direction & flow of positive energy will start from there and remove the negative energy , it will remove all type of vastu dosha present in that direction & balance the 5 elements of nature & natural forces.
So that you can get the maximum benefit from nature.
The "Five" Key Elements/Forces of Nature
The Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Space are the five key forces in action that can create harmony when kept in their appropriate places.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra |
Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra Sri Sidh Sampurn Vastu Dosh Nivaran Mahayantra is a powerful yantra to combat the harmful effects arrising due to mistakes in vastu.Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace
happiness & harmony at home & work place.This is very Powerful unique Yantra

Vahan Durghatna Nashak Yantra |

Vahan Durghatna Nashak Yantra - To Prevent Accidents. A Yantra designed to prevent accidents with your vehicle.
This does not mean you abdicate personal responsibility for safety; it enhances the safety of the situation.

Shri Shukra Yantra |
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Shri Shukra Yantra This yantra is used to appease the planet Venus. When Venus is malefic, the use of Venus yantra/Shukra yantra is very benefic
and favourable. Shukra yantra is embossed on Copper plate and is kept on rising Moon Friday. Venus Yantra/ Shukra Yantra
bestows respect, love of opposite sex and peace of mind.This yantra wipes out the negative influences of planet Venus and
renders good results. Complications indicated by Venus are Stones in bladder, eye afflictions, diseases of ovaries, weakness
of sexual organs, exudation of semen, menstrual troubles and abortions etc. This helps in the improvement of a love
relationship, married life, cooperation from opposite sex, and for luxuries this yantra is the most suited one. The persons

Saraswati Yantra |
Saraswati Yantra Saraswati is goddess of knowledge and learning. This locket is prepared by basic mantras of Saraswati. In today's world
everyone is in dire need of knowledge and education and should take benefits of this yantra locket. Saraswati Yantra Locket
is highly useful for this purpose. This Locket is kept in a static location or can be worn.

Shri Santan Gopal |
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Shri Santan Gopal This Yantra is very useful for getting a child and a safe progeny. This Yantra also prevents miscarriage during pregnancy. The Yantra blessed the couple with a beautiful and intelligent child and increase love between them. This is a very useful yantra for the childless couples. Some persons are devoid of children and try hard to have an issue. For this purpose Santan
Gopal Yantra is miraculous. All your prayers for progeny would be answered through this Energized Yantra. This yantra gives a desired child who is meritorious and long living.Embossed on copper plate. Mahalakshmi Yantra is the the auspicious yantra for Wealth and comforts in life. Devi Mahalakshmi is seated on blossomed Kamal flower. Mahalakshmi Yantra is placed in cash
box, almirah, purse or in temple of your house after worship (pran pratishta). Mahalakshmi Yantra is embossed on brass plate with golden plating.

Vashikaran Yantra |
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Vashikaran Yantra Vashikaran literally means ‘to have someone under your control’. Hence, the Vashikaran Yantra is worshipped and used to attract the person you desire and bring him or her under your influence. This Yantra is used to enchant (spell) and bring the
person you love in your life. It can also be used for attraction and drawing someone in your life. It is a very powerful
Yantra. If your Saturn is bad then you can use together with Nav Graha Yantra to maximize the benefit.

Shri Nav Durga Yantra |
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Shri Nav Durga Yantra This is a powerful yantra to worship all the nine powers of Goddess Durga. Nav Durga Yantra is worshipped on Ashtami and
during Navratras. Markandeya Puran contains many miraculous uses about Nav Durga yantra. This yantra incorporates many
mantras of Goddess Bhagwati that make it highly effective. This is a powerful Yantra for attaining desires,rid of business
and personal problems,to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies..

Shri Navgraha Yantra |
Shri Navgraha Yantra Intellectual ability and wealth are bestowed by the grace of Lord Ganesha. He is the personification of a ghristh ( A family man ) who has the knowledge of all the scriptures and commercial system, has wealth and also has the weapons to fight the evil if the need be. He brings success, peace and wealth to one who has faith in him. Shri Ganpati Yantra should be affixed
in all rooms except the bedrooms and also in the place of work. Doing so one is able to bring the positive forces of cosmos towards oneself.

Shri Matsya Yantra |
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Shri Matsya Yantra This yantra is used, if someone is getting difficulties in any work again and again or due to black magic or evil's
influences.This yantra is also known as "Badha Mukti Yantra". The Yantra creates good virtues and noble thoughts in a person and wards off the evil effects of bad souls. This Yantra is energized by it's Mantra and very useful to protect the user from
black magic, evil's influences and negative influences of the peoples on his works.

Shri Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra |
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Shri Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra is a yantra to free the fear of death, grave dangers, fatal diseases and makes him courageous and healthy. It is an outstanding yantra of great values, to be carried on silver or copper plate. The upasana of Maha Mritunjay yantra is worship of Lord Mahamritunjaya.Maha Mritunjay yantra dispels all sort of fears, influence of evil planets, fear of ghosts accidental death and disease etc. Maha Mritunjay yantra particularly relieves one from all dreadful diseases. The person who perform puja to mahmritunjay yantra
remains in good health and free from all ailments.Lord Mrityunjay Mahadev is the winner of death. On worshiping Mrityunjay Mahadev one can escape from miseries and troubles of this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. He eats our troubles, tensions, stress as well as our ego. Lord Mrityunjay is the doctor of soul and sentiments.
Maha Mritunjay yantra is useful when Saturn, Mars is enjoined, in opposition or in aspect to each other in a birthchart or in transit to avoid any accident or accidental death.Maha Mritunjay yantra is worshipped, also after pooja, the yantra be dipped in water and the water is to be drink as "Charnamrit" to control and cure diseases.

Shri Mahalakshmi yantra |
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Shri Mahalakshmi yantra Mahalakshmi Yantra is for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, "the Eternal Goddess of Wealth & Prosperity". It is believed that mere "Darshan" (sight) of this unique Mahalakshmi Yantra in the morning blesses the person with Wealth
It bestows wealth, prosperity and good fortune on the worshipper. All desires are fulfilled by uttering the Mantra of this Goddess, and the worshipper is never lacking in money & material comforts - his house & treasury are always full, and he & his family never face shortage of resources.
Mahalakshmi Yantra is placed in cash box, almirah, purse or in temple of your house after worship (pran pratishta). Mahalakshmi Yantra

Sri Lakshmi Prapti Yantra |
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Sri Lakshmi Prapti Yantra Lakshmi Prapti yantra is helpful in giving complete happiness and success in life. By doing this the native is blessed with success and wealth. We send these Yantras only after energizing.
for best results don't change the place of yantra too frequently. This Lakshmi Prapti yantra is very good to get rid of debts. It is said that the faithful worshipper never lacks money and material comforts for himself and his family.
Lakshmi Prapti yantra is helpful in giving Complete happiness and success in life to its worshipper.
This yantra should be kept in temple or pooja place at home /office . one should place it on a clean red coloured cloth.

Shri Kuber yantra |
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Shri Kuber yantra Lord Kuber is the God of wealth and money, and denotes wealth, money and success in business as well as acquisition and accumulation of wealth. It blesses the owner of this Yantra with wealth & prosperity
It opens up avenues for new sources of income; increases fund flow & encourage accumulation of wealth. This Yantra is recommended for growth in business, career & profession as well as increase in income & wealth. It bestows wealth, prosperity and good fortune on the owner of this Yantra.
Worship of Kuber Yantra gives the worshipper all these results. The owner of the Yantra will never be lacking money & material comforts - his house & treasury will always be full, and he & his family never have shortage of resources
This Yantra is kept in house temple, Cash box, almirah and in offices where financial transactions are made.

Kanakdhara Lakshmi Yantra |
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Kanakdhara Lakshmi Yantra Kanakdhara yantra Helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. Establishing KanakDhara Yantra in the home can sure bring Good Luck ". Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open
up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.This yantra is a rare and most effective yantra for gaining wealth. . This yantra bestows Ashat Siddhi and Nav Nidhi. This yantra should be kept in temples, Cash Box and
Almirahs. Its very powerful yantra to win unexpected wealth like gambling, horse racing ,speculation etc..

Karz Mukti Yantra |
Karz Mukti Yantra This Siddha Karj Mukti Yantra charged by Ashta -Lakshmi Mantra. Shri Rin Mukti Yantra is very effective in removing the debt and loan problems of an individual. The regular worship of this Siddha Karj Mukti Yantra provides mental peace and strength to the individual.
This Siddha Karj Mukti Yantra is embossed on a bhojpatra and laminated to give it a longer life.

Sarva Manokamna Siddhi |
Sarva Manokamna Siddhi Manokamna siddhi laxmi yantra changes luck for the better, brings about desirable outcomes and increases flow of money.

Surya Yantra |
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Surya Yantra Sun stands for power and authority. When one is deprived of happiness through termination of service, suspension or through opponents or diseases etc., worship of Sun through Surya Namaskar etc. is always advised. Such difficulties are overcome and
cure from disease is attained with good health through pooja of Surya yantra. Surya Yantra enhances the peace of mind, gets favour from Superior, officers and Govt. By the use of Surya Yantra enemies are suppressed and eliminated the Malefic effects
of Sun. When Sun is Melefic in birth Chart of a native or according to the rashi based on his name the planet indicates malefic effects then the Surya Yantra is very useful.

Shree Yantra |
Shree Yantra This Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. "Sree Yantra" - Sree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning "Instrument" - The Instrument for Wealth The Sree Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth Shree Yantra blesses the worshiper with peace,
happiness, popularity, power, authority, wealth, prosperity & success. This ancient Yantra has been used since centuries by Kings, political leaders & men in authority for attaining fame, power & financial success, and is of utmost importance to men in 'Kalyuga', since it can help them achieve all they desire in life.Having this Yantra is undeniably the easiest and best way of bidding adieu to one's financial problems forever. And its use can be as diverse as the means for acquiring wealth
that manifest once it is obtained.It can never be that an incense stick be it and no fragrance emanate. Similarly a human under the benevolent effect of Shree Yantra is ever showered upon by wealth, money and comforts. Any person can in fact gain wealth, fame, respect, power, prosperity, vehicles and all luxuries by simply placing a Shree Yantra at home and worshipping it.For best results, we will recommend two Shree Yantras, one for home and one for work place.

Shani Yantra |
Shani Yantra This Yantra is used to propitiate an afflicted Shani/Saturn and achieve Rajayoga through complete blessings of Shani.
When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope, in transit or causes Sadesati, use of Shani yantra is very beneficial. Shani yantra is useful, when one feels depressed.
It indicates success in worldly affairs, success in business and the man touches the dizzy heights. Shani yantra is kept on rising moon Saturday during venus or Saturn Hora.

Rahu Yantra |
Rahu Yantra This helps to appease the planet Rahu. Diseases paralysis, insanity, limb injury, cancer, tumors, heart pain, rheumatism, bronchitis, etc. are caused by Rahu, other problems are anger, leaving home, dissatisfaction, fear complex, liar, slow
working change of residence, disfavor of superiors, etc. If worshipped regularly it enables a person to control his enemies and defeat them if they try to harm him. It enhances the hidden capabilities in a person. It gives a boost in professional life

Mangal Yantra |
Mangal Yantra Mangal Yantra gives Profits related to Real Estate. Land & Property.
Mangal Yantra helps in decreases High Blood Pressure & maintaining it at normal level.
Mangal Yantra Increases Courage in a Person who is under couraged.
Mangal Yantra creates & maintains Good Relation with Small Brother.
Mangal Yantra is beneficial in reliving in High Fever.
Mangal Yantra gives special benefits to a Debt ridden Persons
Mangal Yantra guards against Accidents.
Mangal Yantra Finishes LACK OF CALCIUM IN THE BONES.

Ketu Yantra |
Ketu Yantra Ketu Yantra gives wonderful benefits to those people who want to do New Discoveries and to those people who are related to Research Work in some field.
Ketu Yantra is very beneficial for those people who want to increase their Spiritual & Mystical Powers.
Ketu Yantra is for those people who want an Enemy & Stress free life.
Ketu Yantra is utmost beneficial for those people who want to be a good Surgeon, Specialist or a Doctor.
Ketu Yantra is also very useful for increasing the Eye Sights or Eye Power.

Guru Yantra |
Guru Yantra The yantra for guru is an excellent sacred object which is given to the student by Guru. It improves mental power and intelligence. It protects all the afflictions due to badly placed Jupiter in the horoscope. The puja should be performed with
yellow flowers on Thursday of bright fort night. The mantra of Guru to be recited is 19,000.

Gayatri Yantra |
Gayatri Yantra First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame
Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed.
Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light).
Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar. Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God.
Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra. Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the mantra.
Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes. Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.

Durga Bisa Yantra |
Durga Bisa Yantra Shri Durga Ambe Maa is the deity of the Durga Bisa Yantra, also called as ‘Yantra Raj Beesa’. Durga Bees Yantra is a very powerful and popular Yantra which helps its bearer to attain and fulfill his desires. If it is properly energized, the results engendered through it can be highly effective. One who wants to bear Durga Bisa Yantra needs to perform a Puja
ceremony, using all kinds of flowers. The Durga Bisa Yantra should be ritually worshipped with complete faith and belief, and by putting the Yantra in the smoke of the lamp lighted through a black agar.

Vyapar Vridhi Yantra |
Vyapar Vridhi Yantra Vyapar Vridhi Yantra is an ultimate solution for your business problems. 'Vyapar' means business and 'Vridhi' means growth. The yantra is especially designed and energized to take your business at new heights irrespective of the turnover.
Who doesn't expect pleasing ROI and huge revenues? In light of its magical effect of vyapar vridhi yantra in India is highly coveted for its amazing effects.
The yantra is not only helpful for businessman but also for professionals. It facilitates the achievement of professional goals and adds up new zing to your life.

Shree Chandra Yantra |
Shree Chandra Yantra Chandra Yantra can Finish the negative results of the bad KARMAS of the Native.
It Activates the sleeping luck of the Native.
Chandra Yantra gives mental peace.
Chandra Yantra helps in coming out of Depression state of Mind.
Chandra Yantra increases the power of relationship between husband and wife and lovers as well.
Chandra Yantra helps Reduce & then Finish Anger, Hypertension and Sorrow. It brings in the peace of mind and harmony in the life.
Chandra Yantra helps in keeping Good Relation with relatives and specially with Mother

Baglamukhi Yantra |
Baglamukhi Yantra According to scripture, the term Yantra has been derived from the word yuj meanings to yoke, join, harness, attach, bind, join or unify. Yantra also carries other meanings like exertion, endeavor, zeal, diligence, attention, application or concentration of the thoughts, abstract contemplation, meditation, manner, method, means, device, way, application, performance, combination, connection, contact and union. Yantra is also believed to have originated form Sanskrit word “yam”,
which means supporting or holding the essence of an object or concept and “trana” meaning liberation from bondage. Thus, Yantra means liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. The origin of Yantra dates back to at least 5000 years. Yantra
has evolved massively over the six periods of yoga: Proto, Pre-Classical, Epic, Classical, Post-Classical and Modern yoga.

Budh Yantra |
Budh Yantra MERCURY is the planet, which directly affects the trade business. So it is always recommend wearing Budh Yantra especially to the businessmen in the field of ARGUMENTATIVE BUSINESS, DEMOCRATIC DEALING, ASTROLOGY, WRITING SKILLS, EDITING, PUBLISHING, ACTING, SCULPTURE BUSINESS, SPORTSMEN, ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTANCY, ART, POSTAL SERVICES and INSURANCE etc.
Budha Yantra is useful for removing of problem like as LACK OF CONCENTRATION, DEPRESSION, DULLNESS, LAZINESS, RESTLESSNESS,

Maha Laxmi Yantra |
Maha Laxmi Yantra Benefits :- Protects from black magic, charms, negativity and psychic attacks Use for protection from ghosts/spirits/tantra attacks, evil eyes, power, authority, vigour and to overcome enemies. Helps the People who desire for physical and mental strength.
Increase confidence Level. Overcome all the obstacles in the way Gives Success & Success in your Business. Improves Relation and improves your thinking towards others.

Maa Shakti Kavach |

Maa Shakti Kavach Benefits :- Maa Shakti Kawach bestows wealth and property and also protects the person from all sorts of dangers.
It is beneficial for marriage problems, protection from enemies.

Nazar Raksha- Kavach |
Nazar Raksha- Kavach Benefits :- NRK help in removing negative influences in ones life. These amulets and talismans are considered to be powerful tools which help in protecting against bad and negative effects in ones life. The NRK gives protection and brings luck to all. Have you just had a new child? Bought a new car? Built a new office building? Worried that your "friends" and others are filled with
envy about your good fortune? The bead reflects the evil intent back to the onlooker. It somewhat resembles an eye and it is said the typical blue color is a factor in protecting the user

Shiv-kagvach |
Shiv-kagvach Benefits :- This is the stotra that provides us Lord Shiva's halo of protection. Whatever be your problems, whether of the horoscope, or spirits or tantra or black magic, this kavach works.
I emphasise, it works period! The beauty of this stotra is that you don’t need anything else (like a yantra) to recite it. All you need is complete devotion for Lord Shiva.

Shani-kavach |
Shani-kavach Benefits :- Remove obstacles from your way. remove the malefic effects of Saturn. Attain success in your business. Bring WEALTH and PROSPERITY.
Destroy the effect of BLACK MAGIC.
Increase your chances in the LOTTERY & BETS. Remove the FAMILY DISCORDS and improve health.Remove health and Money problems. help you in win, the COURT CASE and defeat your enemies.
